02 February 2007


This morning at 11:00 am, as we set out for our lunch and library Friday, it was a balmy, near tropical 1.6°. That's Fahrenheit, folks, a toasty -17°C for you SI and metric loving people. And now, two hours later, the thermometer hasn't budged. The forecast high is 7°F and I think we already saw that in the wee hours of the morning. Now that we are home from the library, I think we are STAYING PUT! We have new books and videos from the library and I think some binkits and perhaps hot cocoa might be order, as well.

This week's outings went more smoothly than last week, though yesterday at the grocery store, Bug had to stop everyone and announce "My name is [firstname] and my foot isn't owie anymore." Which, of course, means that he had to explain that he had a hurt foot last week. It was about even odds whether he said his foot got hurt because he was having a pillow fight with daddy, or just gave the abridged version: it hurt because daddy hit him.

Today, at the library, we didn't have anyone flipping through the phone book looking for CPS, but Miss Bean did manage to make two smaller kids cry. She has adopted big brother's method of plowing into and grabbing away when some has something she has. Since she is built like a two-year-old Mack truck, it is certainly a bit intimidating. I really don't think she actually hurt anyone, since I managed to intercede before it got physical, but when she is in bulldozer mode, I would certainly be scared if I were smaller than her!

I have been knitting away in my spare moments, but nothing exciting enough for its own post. I have one of Bug's slippers done and the other just needs the second sole before they are ready for felting. Though I will probably wait until I can felt both Bug's and Bean's slippers together. The second red, white, and black sock continues on in my odd moments. I am getting pretty close to the toe decreases and then just the heel will remain (I am doing "afterthought" heels, so that's the last thing that goes in). Miss Bean's sweater and leggings have been stewing in my head. I have started swatching since I would like to do interesting hems and cuffs. I have been perusing Knitting on the Edge by Nicky Epstein, which I have out from the library and have a couple of ideas that I want to try out. Swatching pictures coming soon, I hope...


Knittymama said...

Don't you just love when you have to explain their little comments to people? And it's always the owie stories too.

Anonymous said...

Brrrr is right! You just got spoiled by your earlier balmy winter weather. This is REAL winter weather you're having now.

Ms. Knitingale said...

Dude, I don't even like it when the thermometer flirts with the 30's. 1.6 isn't a temperature--it's a sock needle!

Can't wait to see the slippers...I'm dying to make felted clogs but am unsure as to whether I am patient/smart/talented/determined enough to do it!