10 January 2009

Catching Up IV: Other 2008 FOs

And here we go with a final round up of 2008 finished objects. For the most part, these are parts of a set and I had planned to blog the whole set when it was finished (and may still do so), but as we have stepped across the annual FO divide, I will at least show off the parts of the sets that are finished. First off, I have finished two out of three BYOB bags I had planned. The third has been cast on...



...betcha can't guess the color combination to complete the set! ;o) These are great grocery/market bags and hold a ton of stuff! I really like the Cotton-Ease yarn too. With most cotton yarns, my hands tend to cramp up, but this has enough give that it is enjoyable to knit with. Still, I tend to work on these in small doses, as I am not a huge fan of seed stitch. I love how it looks, but, like ribbing, it tires my hands a bit.

Next, I started hats and mittens for all the kids. I have finished all the mittens, but not the hats. Cute little Beeb mitts. No thumbs. Talk about instant gratification! They took me an afternoon!


Next up, Bug's mittens. You may recall our excursion to have Bug and Bean choose their own yarn, so imagine my surprise when I showed these to Bug and his first question was "Why aren't they green?" Just when I think he has reached his pinnacle of leaving me speechless...


And Bean's...


If I can find some coordinating superwash solids, I'm thinking each of the bigger kids may need a fish hat. Beeb already has a hat in progess.

Finally, a project that started with a bang and ended with a whimper and as a result didn't get blogged. If my Ravelry entry is to be believed, I started this in April 2007, knitted it as if possessed, felted the purse part, and then let it languish a bit. I'm not sure how long it sat before I got bit by the bug again and lined it with some fabric I had stashed. I didn't get all concerned with matchy-matchiness as the whole thing was a bit obnoxious colorwise anyway (leftovers from Bug and Bean's felted clog slippers). And it sat, all finished except for a strap. I started a doubleknit strap with diamonds and knit mile after mile of it. I'd knit a little, lose patience and let it sit and repeat, with it never quite long enough. I finally was so disgusted with it I ripped out the double-knit version and went with striped i-cord, felted it, and eventually sewed it on, finishing it finally in early November.




Anonymous said...

Why aren't they green? I love it!!! Does Bug mean that colorwise or in the ecological sense?...;o) Speaking of green, I also love the shopping bags you've been knitting—much prettier than the F. Meyer bags we use.

Elizabeth said...

Great to see those FOs. That diamond bag is just too yummy!

dale-harriet said...

I do SO want those BYOB bags -- I looked at the pattern, but fear it may take a whle to get to. (Awful lot "CC1" stuff and so on, which I didn't take time to investigate -- maybe later!) But they're in my mind because all the other patterns I've seen are for crocheted bags. I ADORE those (I have 3-4 that were gifts) but right now I don' wanna crochet that much. (I think I'm going to adopt my verification word as a nickname: "Quivena"!)