26 September 2006


With the beautiful fall weather, we can also start looking forward to Bug's FAVORITE holiday: Halloween. I'm not sure what makes it a favorite, but he really hasn't stopped talking about Halloween since last Halloween! He loves the "skawee" ghosts and "sketelons" and pumpkins. Ever since Target started stocking Halloween decorations, the kid has been in the mood. Mama finally gave in and we got some Halloween cookies at the grocery store this morning. We baked the cookies this noon and frosted them after Bug finished with his nap (hence the wild hairdo). We also got some ghost shaped cupcake cups and a box of cake mix. We'll probably save those for later in the week. Looks like it will be a spooky month!


Anonymous said...

Bug looks pretty fresh awake in the picture and VERY intent on frosting the cookies. "Skawee" is very intriguing for kids, especially when the "skawee" is safe, like it is at Halloween time. It (Halloween) will probably become an even better holiday when he discovers trick-or-treating, i.e., asking for candy and actually receiving it!