Bug had the markers out this morning and was drawing pictures of people and Easter bunnies and cats and all kinds of friendly folk, but this one just charmed me beyond words. It's a bat hanging upside down in his cave.
25 March 2008
My artist boy
Posted by
Kitty Mommy
12:19 PM
24 March 2008
Almost three weeks? Yikes! I am behind on blog-reading, I am doing nearly as much dithering about knitting as actually knitting, and when we get a hint of spring, we have to leap into action and enjoy it before the next snowstorm. The kids have plenty of energy, but Mama has the March Blahs bad!
A few of the highlights...clear back at the beginning of the month, we finally made it back to Olbrich Gardens for another short tropical vacation! The orchids were still lovely and I remembered my camera for a change.
Mr. Beeb hit his six-month milestone. He has just started solid foods, and like his older siblings tried sweet potatoes first:
Bug and Bean thought it was funny how messy he was, which made me laugh. Compared to either of them having their first encounter with sweet potatoes, little Beeb is practically pristine. In fact, I think Bean actually had more sweet potatoes on her face when she made the comment! He can roll anywhere he wants right now and if something cool isn't to far in front of him, he can drag himself in an army crawl. He also gets up on hands and knees and rocks, so crawling is imminent.
Last week was spring break for the college kids, so on Tuesday we made a trip to campus to visit the geology museum to see the rocks and dinosaurs. Bug gave names to all of the dinosaur skeletons and we sat and looked at the phosphorescent and fluorescent rocks under ultraviolet light too many times to count.
On Wednesday, we took advantage of melting snow and mild weather and visited the zoo. We hadn't seen the new red panda that arrived in January and even merited a picture in Cute Overload. Unfortunately, he was completely tucked and curled and snoozing when we were there. Maybe next time!
On Friday, we colored eggs with some friends, but had to venture out in a snowstorm to do it. Another eight inches or so! Bug and Bean had a wonderful time and even managed to avoid any major dye disasters. There were a few dropped (and cracked) eggs, but those just became snacks!
We had Easter dinner with my friend K and her family. We have adopted each other, so I now have some "family" in the area and she has grandchildren to play with and read to and watch grow. The kids got to hunt for Easter eggs and we had a lovely dinner (well, except for the part where Bean puked). We brought a carrot cake, which Bug insisted had to have frosting carrots on top:
Since both Bug and Bean helped grate carrots, how could I refuse? I had never made a carrot cake before, but Better Homes and Gardens did good! Very dense and moist. Yum! Next time, I will have to try Marianne's recipe (via Norma's blog) but sans raisins, as it sounds very yummy, too! The kids and I had leftover cake for breakfast. Hey, it counts as a vegetable, right?
A couple of finished objects, a knitting update, and a spinning update will be coming soon. Really. Way less than three weeks, I promise!
Posted by
Kitty Mommy
10:25 AM
04 March 2008
FO: Princess Dress
Yarn: Lion Brand Glitterspun (Ruby and Gold)
Needles: Denise Interchangeables sizes 10½ and 9
Pattern: Princess Buttercup Fancy Dress by Candi Jensen (New Knits on the Block)
Mods: The pattern directions didn't match the pictures for the back of the bodice, so I winged it. Also, skirt part of dress is probably a pretty loose interpretation of the pattern.
Verdict: Bean LOVES it! No big surprise there. I wish I could have gotten a better picture, but apparently I couldn't have more than two of: (1) stand still; (2) don't grab the skirt and make it bunchy; (3) both feet on the floor); (4) look at me; and (5) smile. Hopefully, I'll have better luck getting a pic of the whole ensemble once the hat is felted.
The hat is done except for felting, which I am saving until I finish the strap for my felted purse, so I can do them together.
Posted by
Kitty Mommy
5:22 PM
Labels: 2008 FO, finished objects, kids, knitting
02 March 2008
Yep, this winter has apparently gotten to me
Yesterday, I went to Woodland Studios to spend a Valentine's Day gift certificate from Kitty Daddy and the crew, while the crew waited for me at the local library a couple of blocks over. Last time I was there I debated long and hard over the Colinette Jitterbug, but wound up deciding on Kitty Man socks and a couple of big ol' skeins of Trekking. So, after cuddling and petting my way around the yarn selection, I was drawn once again to the Jitterbug. There were at least a half a dozen gorgeous colorways that I had admired back in August, but yesterday, I was drawn to a colorway that I would normally find pretty obnoxious (as in beautiful colors, but nothing I would ever imagine on my feet). However, I could not tear myself away. I'm not sure the photo is nearly as garish as the real thing:but I couldn't put it down. I cast on for it last night. I also partially blame MollyBeees for imprinting my brain with gorgeous, vibrant sock yarn. Hers wasn wasn't neon though.
There are signs of spring here...balmy weather in the 30s (and actually up to the 40s today!!!!), sun that provides both light and heat (not just light), running water from thawing snow. Yes, the snow drifts are still huge, but it feels pretty darn springy to me! Of course, then I talk to my parents in the Pacific Northwest, where it is in the 60s and mom is out working on her garden. See why I need the neon?
Posted by
Kitty Mommy
11:39 AM
Labels: casting on, knitting, yarn pr0n