23 March 2009

Feelin' the St. Patrick's Day love

Late Night Knitting was on Friday, and in honor of St. Patrick's Day, all green yarn was on sale. There may have been a bit of an incident involving some green Peace Fleece, a loyalty card credit, and a moment of late night giddiness...

It is already on the way to becoming a February Lady's Sweater. In March. Well, Kitty Chai likes it anyways!

Other than that, a fairly quiet weekend. Beeb started with the sniffles on Friday and Bean and I joined in over the weekend. We gave the boys spring hair cuts. The standard buzz for Daddy, a trim around the sides and back for Bug and an awful buzz for the baby. He got tired of the process about halfway through and I managed a few more swipes with the clipper before he escaped, but I just didn't have the heart to sit on the sniffly baby for the sake of a tidy haircut. Fortunately, he has the cutes to pull it off.

We also got almost finished with our three-bin composter. We put polyurethane on the untreated wood except for the second side of the plywood lids. So we just need to finish those and then put the lids on with hinges. Oh, and haul the behemoth into the back yard.

Meanwhile, we are thinking gardeny thoughts. I ordered a couple of kinds of tomato seeds from Seed Savers Exchange that arrived this weekend so I think we will try and get them started today or tomorrow. Although I have a notoriously black thumb, I am cautiously optimistic as we have recruited our friend and adopted grandma as a garden consultant. She is currently enrolled in a Master Gardener programs, so we have an expert-in-training on our side!


Marianne said...

Yum, that's a gorgeous green of Peace Fleece (which always makes it yummy)!

Elizabeth said...

Lovely cat!

So, the yarn just followed you home, eh?

Cindy G said...

Yay for Seed Savers! A Master Gardener on call should have you in good, really good, shape.

Anonymous said...

Such a well-behaved cat your Miss Chai is, sitting so sedately right next to all that pretty new yarn.

I've started a bit of my early gardening, too...planted snow peas this weekend and put in some red lettuce starts today. How nice that you have a master gardener to consult...I could use one of those, too.